Cleanups will be organized where possible and allowed. Organizers, with the permission from local governments, may gather people for cleanups with recommendation to restrict the number of participants and to spread cleanup locations out so as to avoid people coming in close contact with too many attendees. Please register your cleanups here:
As an alternative for large gatherings, people can be invited to clean their surrounding areas with their families or individually.
If you find you are restricted in your country, or the situation doesn’t look favourable for traditional cleanups, we propose a cleanup you can do within your own home - digital cleanup. Find out more about digital cleanup here and here are materials on how to organise it within your organisation.
Before World Cleanup Day, you can use our TrashOut app to contribute to the success of World Cleanup Day by gathering valuable data about waste for the cleanup day and beyond. If we know where the trash is, we can do something about it, isn't that right?
This is also a great volunteering opportunity that you can propose for your members and network in times of Covid-19, because mapping can be done any time and any where - while you jog, walk or hike around your neighbourhood or in the nature.
There are special prizes for best mappers, too. There are 3 categories and each winner of the category wins a ticket to the Let's Do It World Annual conference with travel costs covered.
Download the TrashOut here and try it out today. Mapping promotional materials can be found here.